Wednesday, June 3, 2015


Prayer for Unforgiveness:
Father, thank you for caring so much about me that you are moved with compassion for my pain. Thank you that you understand and care. Thank you that you forgive me for all my sins — you don’t hold anything against me. You have completely “taken me off your hook” because Jesus has paid for all my sins on the cross.

Father, as a deliberate act of my will, I choose to forgive ____ for _____(express details and what you felt as a result)and release him/her from my judgment and into your hands. I ask you to change him/her as You see fit, bless____ and release him/her from any judgment I have brought against them. In the name of Jesus, Amen

Prayer for Willful Sin:
Father, in the name of Jesus, I confess and renounce the sin of ________. I ask for forgiveness and cleansing from this willful conduct, and I repent from all such actions, attitudes, habits, and conduct that does not glorify Jesus Christ. I claim the release and freedom promised by Jesus Christ that He may be Lord of my life.

Prayer for Strongholds:
Father, in Jesus’ name, your word says that whatever I bind on earth will be bound in Heaven, and whatever I loose on earth will be loosed in Heaven. I bind my will to Your will and purposes for me and I bind myself to Your Truth so I will not be deceived by my soul, the world, or the devil. I bind my mind to the mind of Christ so I can think and act like Jesus in every situation.

Lord, I repent of all wrong patterns of thinking, including _____ and all wrong behaviors that result, including as _______. I also repent of all wrong emotions, including _______ that have influenced me in the past. I renounce them and ask Your forgiveness for them. I tear down and crush every stronghold I have erected that have prevented me from seeing and experiencing You and Your Truth. I receive in the name of Jesus every good thing You have made available for me in Him. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Prayer to Break Generational Sins and Curses:
Father, in the name of Jesus, I confess all the sins of my forefathers, and by the redemptive blood of Jesus, I now break the power of every curse passed down to me through my ancestral line, including the curses of _______. I thank you, Lord, that Christ has redeemed me from every curse, and I choose now to walk in blessing and reject the curse. Also, in the name of Jesus, I break the power of every evil curse spoken against me, including those I have spoken about myself. I cancel the force of every prediction spoken about me, whether intentionally or carelessly, that was not according to God’s promised blessings. I bless those who have cursed me and I forgive every person who has ever wronged me or spoken evil of me.

I place the cross between myself and those curses so that, from this day forth, any curse that tries to come upon me will have to come through the cross. As that curse comes through the cross, it will be transformed from a curse to a blessing. By the power of the blood of Jesus, I break those curses to the fourth generation future so that they cannot oppress my children or their children. I receive all blessings that have come through the bloodlines. Everything good they stood for, I impart these blessings upon my children. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Prayer for Breaking Soul Ties:
Father, in Jesus’ name, I submit my soul, my desires and my emotions to your Spirit. I confess as sin all my promiscuous, Premarital sexual relationships and all sexual relationships outside of marriage. I confess all my ungodly soul, spirit, and body ties as sin and I thank You for forgiving and cleaning me right now. I break my ungodly soul ties with (list people the Holy Spirit brings
to mind ) in the name of Jesus. I bind, renounce, and resist any evil spirits that have entered through these soul ties or illicit unions and I cast them out of my life in the name of Jesus. Amen.

Father, I’m aware that Your Word says that we shouldn’t make vows except to you. I’ve judged _______ and made inner vows to myself that say ________. In the name of Jesus I repent and break these inner vows and ask that Your will be done in my life. Cleanse me and kill the negative harvest I have sown with my lips, as well as my actions self sufficiency in the inner vow. Give me Your strength to change and to begin today to plant a crop of blessing and righteousness. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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